>Hello World, Sometime it can be useful to check if a domain is correctly synchronized on your master and slave dns servers. The easiest way to do this, is to simply compare the serial number between your 2 dns servers. That also can be useful to check about dns propagation in the internet. For doing …
Tag: check
>Hello World, Parfois il peut être utile de pouvoir vérifier si un domaine est correctement synchronisé sur vos serveurs DNS maître et esclave. Le moyen le plus simple pour y parvenir et de comparer les numéros de série de la zone entre les 2 serveurs dns. On peut utiliser également cette méthode pouvoir voir où …
Hi all, after showing you how to simply check load average or memory usage on linux, today i’ll simply show you how to check disk space and take action if a threshold is reached. We’ll simply use df, grep, awk, cut and if/then to do this : Just put it in your crontab and you’ll …
In your admin work it can be useful to check free memory and take action on threshold. The most tools don’t show you a realistic state of your memory. For example if you launch « top » command on a server, you’ll obtain an information like this : If you use the « free » command, you’ll obtain the …